My head is finally in the right place to do these again!
Outside my window.... I can see lots and lots of growth on my winter jasmine. My dad cut it back rather vigorously last year and it seems to have liked it, as I've never seen it this green. Hoping for lots of flowers this winter.
I am thinking... that I'm almost ready for my second coffee of the day.
I am thankful for... two things. One is gratitude that I'm feeling back to normal and that I didn't spiral into a deeper depression or break-down. Two is gratitude to my dad, without whom I would have sunk down lower. I have bought him a card for Father's Day with the text 'the older I get, the smarter my dad seems to get'. It couldn't be more true.
From the kitchen... are coming lots of home cooked meals again. I've lost the tiredness which stopped me enjoying cooking.
I am wearing... jeans, a cotton short sleeved top and my bodywarmer, as the temperature has suddenly dropped quite a bit after 3 days of sunshine.
I am creating... Aestlight for my mum. I'm about a quarter of the way done with the edging. Once that's done, I'm casting on for Cerisara
I am going... to pick up a new car in the next few days... well, new to me!
I am reading... nothing at the moment! Have just finished a book about the demise of farming in the traditional sense.
I am hoping... that I. has good weather on her trip in Wales.
I am hearing... children's telly. N. is home from school with a temperature, very little appetite and no voice. Which is all unlike him!
Around the house... things are getting tidier. I'm enjoying following some of Flylady's routines.
One of my favourite things... is the garden by far. I could spend all day there, tidying up, digging, planting, watering. The only thing I still don't enjoy is mowing the lawn. It's like hoovering. Don't enjoy that either.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I was planning to spoil N. a little bit with his big sister being away, but because he's off colour, that's been put on hold. Will try and make it to the library tomorrow. Looking forward to picking up my big girl on Friday night.
A picture for thought I'm sharing...
A lovely cloudscape from Norfolk from last weekend.
Instructions for the Simple Woman's Daybook can be found here.