A day late, but work's a bit busy and I've been composing this post for the last two days!
Outside my window... it's been very grey for the last few days. Spring is on its way, I discovered snowdrops in the garden the other day and the birds are singing at dawn and dusk, but it's looking decidedly gloomy and mid-winter-ish out there.
I am thinking... what to do with my Chinese chicken soup from last night - not sure if it will freeze and I didn't intend to have leftovers, but I don't fancy eating it for the next three days either.
I am thankful for... my much warmer house! Yes, oil finally arrived on Friday, when I wasn't here - I found the delivery note on Saturday morning. It's amazing how much warmer the house stays now that I have the heating on for longer in the evening.
From the kitchen... I tried the soup that was over on Gina's blog and it was lovely. Very unusual flavouring with the zest and juice of two large oranges, but it smelt fantastic and tasted even better. A winner! I'm also a recent convert to the Dairy cookbooks. I don't think I've ever cooked so much from a cookery book as from Around Britain, and only one recipe so far has disappointed. A few months ago I bought Hearty and Healthy, which I'm now busy trying out.
I am wearing... yes, lots of layers again. Sitting still all day doesn't do your comfort any good!
I am creating... N's hat. I was struggling - the pattern calls for purling in the round, which I'd never done before (well, apart from ribbing). I found it hard on the hands, the needles were awkward to hold and the last stitch on every needle caused a ladder. So last night I ripped back and decided to cheat and just knit in the round and turn the hat inside out at the point where the decreases start. But, a couple of days ago my wrist developed a dull ache. Which got worse yesterday. I suspect it's the knitting, and deep down I know it'd be best if I didn't knit for a few days. But I have wool ordered for Susie's Reading Mitts for I., and I want to knit a hat and fingerless gloves for myself. Not sure if I'm going to be self-disciplined enough to not knit, specially since discovering 20 minutes of crafting every day!
I am going... to have a first at work tomorrow: I'll need to do an interview with a potential new member of our team. Despite having 15 years of experience as a translator, I've never interviewed anyone. Fortunately, I won't be alone, as my boss will be there too and she interviews on a daily basis.
I am reading... not that much. I don't know why but I can sleep for hours at the moment. By 10pm I can't wait to be in bed, and sometimes I'm so tired that I can't even be bothered to have my hot drink. And when the alarm goes off at 6.45 am, I think 'surely that's too early'. At the weekend, I slept straight through till 8.40 am, which is unheard of for me. Does this have anything to do with turning 40 I wonder...? ;-)
I am hoping... that the wool that I ordered for I's gloves will arrive soon. And that my wrist stops hurting soon too.
I am hearing... You and Yours on Radio 4, a programme about consumer rights.
Around the house... are lots of discarded tealights. N. feels very grown-up that occasionally I'll let him light some candles (with me nearby!). He hasn't yet learnt that you can actually put the used tealights in the bin.
One of my favourite things... is going swimming once a week with the kids. We discovered that the pool where N. has his lessons, has casual swimming for a couple of hours after we've done the weekly shop. We now go every week, we muck about for half an hour, they go down the slide 15 times or so while I do a few lengths, we go home listening to The Archers and then we have pizza as it's too late to cook anything. Simple pleasures but so enjoyable.
A few plans for the rest of the week... meeting up with a retired colleague and good friend whose daughter will be giving a concert in Cambridge in March (well worth attending if you're local!), my couple of days in the office, and a weekend without kids but hopefully sleep and plenty of time to knit.
A picture for thought I'm sharing...

Instructions for the Simple Woman's Daybook can be found here.