To my surprise Lupie nominated me for a Kreativ Blogger award! I know Lupie through Lesser Known Skeins on Ravelry, hers was one of the first blogs I started reading from that group. As I'm not a frequent visitor to Ravelry (mostly because I lose hours of my day there), I don't always keep up to date with the group and it has got quite a bit bigger recently, but I do read the blogs of the people who formed the original group.
Right, on with the rules.
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 8 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
I'm nominating the following 8 blogs (not easy, as not all of my blogs are creative blogs):
1. Andy in Amsterdam I like reading his blog because like me, he's left his home country and is living in a 'strange' country, and his 'strange' country happens to be my home country. I like the way he looks at the Dutch - some of it I recognise because I often feel like a 'foreigner' when I return to Holland, and some of it is recognisable in 'o that's definitely us', if that makes sense!
He's also a knitter and makes lovely things.
2. The Caked Crusader: nothing to do with knits but she posts regular cake recipes which are to die for.
3. I was knit together in my mother's womb: I've read Lynne's blog for a while, I don't know how she does it but everything she knits, flatters her.
4. Lazy Seamstress: I know Jeanette in real life. She sews and knits very inspiring, creative things.
5. Paradise Found: I think Amanda is a Lesser Known Skein - not even sure! Her recent sleepy knitted puppy is very sweet.
6. Poshyarns: one of my favourite blogs. Rebecca has beautiful photographs and knits and sews in a very understated elegance. Besides, she's a Radio 4 fan!
7. She knits shizknits: Sheree's blog was one of the first ever blogs I started reading. She knits but also writes about her young family, and is another accomplished photographer.
8. Tiennie knits: last but definitely not least! Tiennie is a very prolific knitter and has designed some great patterns.
All these blogs are definitely worth a visit.
Thanks for all the comments I've had recently, both on the Lyme Regis photos and the hot water bottle cover. Blogger won't always let me respond to comments - if you leave a comment and we've not mailed before, can you also leave an email address? I don't like ignoring comments, it is as if I take them for granted and I definitely don't!