Again a day late - this week's running away from me.
Outside my window... we have a little bit of sunshine, thank goodness! It's a blustery day today and the wind makes it feel colder than it would be if you were out in the sunshine now.
I am thinking... that I'll be very happy if the sheets on the line will actually dry today.
I am thankful for... having lots of positive comments at parents' evening last night for I. She is a quiet girl (not at home she isn't! She is going through a phase of speaking with an accent and has just discovered the Australian accent...) who works hard. She loves art, which I was maybe more proud of than the fact she does well in Maths and Science!
From the kitchen... lots of new dishes - very much into trying new things. Tonight we had cheesy veg crumble, which I really enjoyed and the kids hated (nothing new there!) This weekend I'm looking forward to trying out a Jamie Oliver recipe - I've had several of his cookbooks for years and would you believe, never tried any of them!
I am wearing... a change from my usual umpteen layers! Tshirt, fleece top, lycra bottoms and trainers - I did some exercises earlier this evening and haven't got changed yet.
I am creating... I's fingerless gloves. Slow going, it's just been busy the last couple of days with things needing to be done. So much for the 20 minutes of crafting each day - to be honest, it's been so busy I'd even forgotten about it. I got terribly frustrated on Monday when I forgot to bring my knitting when I went for a doctor's appointment - I got to the surgery and found that they'd cancelled the appointment (even though a few days before, I had asked them to confirm twice!). I had to wait 40 minutes for the next available appointment, and because of swine-flu, there are no longer any magazines in the waiting room. I was just cursing myself when fortunately I got told the appointment could be combined with another one I'd made for the following day, but that is the last time I forget my knitting!
I finished N's hat and now can't find the photo! Will update this post when it resurfaces.
I am going... to go and have a shower when I've finished this post and then climb into my bed with freshly cleaned sheets - yes, they did get dry on the line! (that's what happens when it takes you all day to write a post).
I am reading... a beautiful book about Frank Lloyd Wright. I never realised how prolific he was and how beautiful his buildings were. I specially like his early work.
I am hoping... that N. is alright to go to school tomorrow, as he came home with bad earache this afternoon. A dose of junior ibuprofen seemed to hit the spot, as he was much more cheerful when he went to sleep, but I'm expecting to be woken during the night!
I am hearing... very little - just the humming of the computer, the odd car driving past on the road outside my house and a little snoring from N.
Around the house... it needs hoovering. Again. Doesn't it always?
One of my favourite things... is checking out the discounted bunches of flowers on Mondays when we go shopping. Flowers are so expensive in Britain, specially when you're used to large Dutch bunches - I bought 30 roses for 5 euros on the market there a few years back! And they lasted ages. Anyway, the supermarket obviously discounts the bunches of flowers that haven't been sold over the weekend, and we've had some real bargains.
A few plans for the rest of the week... going to work, meeting my new colleague (yes, the one I interviewed last week - she got offered the job and started last Monday), picking up a new intern who's going to stay with us for 2 months, N. has a birthday party on Saturday so I. and I have a few hours together which I'm really looking forward to.
A picture for thought I'm sharing...

My hairy monster, who I love so very much.
Instructions for the Simple Woman's Daybook can be found here.
Clean sheets dried in sunny & windy air is the best. Lucky you. Our sheetdrying weather seems to be far away.
ReplyDeleteI don´t get any knitting done eather- and as you I forget sometimes.Hope N earache is gone! I had a boy home for two days as well. We want spring - right? Thanks for kind words Cybelé.
I wish I could line dry all of my ewashing all of the time. Well done on the positive parents evening - always a bonus!!xxxx
ReplyDeleteClean, crisp and fresh smelling sheets is a real treat isn't it? I've left a 3mm dpns at work two days running so the only knitting that I have is Jane's moss (she's happy with that!) which I will get on with in a bit. My 'hairy monster' has just had a radical 'mopchop' and looks very handsome indeed - proud mother - Nic x
ReplyDeleteI've always envied the Dutch their cheap flowers. How come they can managed that and the rest of us can't?
ReplyDeleteToday my washing was dry by lunchtime! I was rather afraid I might find it in a neighbours garden though - just a bit blustery.