First of all, thank you for all the comments on my last post. We had a lovely time, very relaxing, just as I'd hoped it would be. And we've already booked the same cottage for next year again :-)
Because we had no internet connection, I'm really behind on blog reading - I will catch up at some point!
I'd like to reply to you all individually, but sometimes the comments won't let me reply, and I haven't quite worked out why that is yet. I do appreciate all comments though, and love reading them!
Onto the daybook. As I haven't done one for a few weeks, I wondered if maybe the format was getting a bit stale. But if I've not seen another idea which I like as much, and it does keep me posting. I think I'll look back at it one day and will see it as a nice memento of what my life was like.
So, without further ado!
Outside my window... the sun is shining. And it's supposed to stay like this all day, in contrast to Saturday which started the same way but by lunchtime it was grey, drizzly and ever so cold. A reminder that although Spring's almost here, Winter's not quite left yet.
I am thinking... that it's probably almost time to start sewing some seeds again. I've started saving old yoghurt pots and I'm specially looking forward to having nasturtiums again - they are so easy to grow and look so cheerful. What I liked about them was all the different colours orange they had. I might have a look around and see if I can find some other colours or varieties, along with the traditional colours again.
I am thankful for... having lots of things which we take for granted, but are luxuries in other countries. I watched the first part of Famous, Rich and in the Slums last Thursday. For those of you not in the UK: every two years we have a big fundraising event in the UK called Red Nose Day. It started 25 years ago and lots of people all over the country do silly things to raise money for charity, mostly for under-developed countries in Africa but also for causes back in the UK. In the run-up to Red Nose Day, on 18 March this year, there are usually several documentaries showing us what has been done with the money that was raised. In Famous, Rich and in the Slums four celebrities go to Africa and live in the slums to experience for themselves what poverty really means. It was a real eye-opener. Yes, you do know a lot of what goes on, but I think it is good that it gets shown from time to time. It makes you feel humble that in this part of the world, it's normal for most people to have an education, to have clean water, to have a warm house, to have food at the end of the day.
From the kitchen... parsnip and lemon soup in the slow cooker, banana teabread with some very old leftover bananas, homemade yoghurt. Not sure about the soup - I don't like root vegetables that much, apart from leeks (do they count as a root vegetable?), but I keep on trying anyway.
I am wearing... my newest bestest most favouritest cardigan. Every year in Lyme Regis my dad buys me a present, usually earrings. This year he'd bought a pair of earrings before we went, and once we were there, we spotted a shop with Weird Fish clothing. I knew of Weird Fish, dad had never heard of them - it's not something I'd splash out on for myself, mostly because of budgettary restraints! He saw a nice sweater for himself and the shop window also had a cornflower blue cardigan - one of my favourite colours. It fitted perfectly, his Dutch credit card worked, and since then, I've worn this cardigan almost every single day. I've already told him I want another one next year ;-)
I am creating... so many things. I eat sleep drink knitting and crochet at the moment. Most days I wish I could craft all day, and my mind is overflowing with ideas. I am knitting my usual monthly dishcloth. I was knitting a pair of 'plain vanilla' socks but had to unravel as they were a bit on the wide side, so need to cast on again with fewer stitches. I am knitting Ysolda's Cairn hat and mittens. I am working on the Shale Baby Blanket by Brooklyn Tweed (I love his patterns - he is so talented!). I am making a very brightly coloured cushion for I's upcoming birthday, in bright pink and bright orange (nothing like a 12 year old's taste!), consisting of peace sign granny squares. A few people have asked me to knit something for them. If I could have super powers, I'd make the day last twice as long.
I am going... to have a hot chocolate drink and a hot water bottle and be off to bed when I've finished writing this post and finished working.
I am reading... Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskill. I've not been able to settle on a book lately, where you get totally captivated and can't stop reading it. Maybe it's lack of time, usually I read for fifteen minutes or so in bed but often I'm very tired and just want to go to sleep. I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on holidays and although that was good, I thought the love story was a bit predictable.
I am hoping... for a cheese fondue this weekend.
I am hearing... bird song every time I step out of the back door. The birds definitely think it's Spring time and seem to be enjoying the sunny day too!
Around the house... lots of little bunches of flowers hand picked by N. (daffodils, little bluebell type flowers), a bunch of white tulips which were discounted at Tesco last week and are still going strong, and several pots with bulbs which I planted up this weekend - no idea what they are, I think daffodils!
One of my favourite things... is setting the alarm on my radio alarm clock, then setting the radio to Sleep, turning the light off and snuggling under the duvet with my feet on my hot water bottle, knowing that I won't have to get out of bed for another seven hours. Bliss.
A few plans for the rest of the week... just an ordinary week with usual activities: work, library, afterschool clubs. I do have to pick up a table tennis table that I managed to buy on Ebay for the children's upcoming birthday - not sure how I'm going to store that until their birthday without them noticing...
A picture for thought I'm sharing...
Instructions for the Simple Woman's Daybook can be found here.
Lovely. I love the sea gull in the photo xxx
ReplyDeleteJust as you start to spy signs of spring I am surrounded by very definite signs of autumn!