I can't believe it's almost a week since I wrote my last Daybook entry. In an odd way, time is both going very slowly and very fast at the moment.
Outside my window... I can see a very dull, grey day, with bare branches, some dark green ivy leaves and no hint of Spring that we had during the weekend.
I am thinking... that I should go and have a lie down on the sofa to stop the terrible tiredness that hits me every evening around 6, when bedtime seems such a long time away still.
I am thankful for... the gloriously sunny weekend we had.
From the kitchen... must come supper tonight but I have no idea what to make. I have lots of vegetables in the fridge but every time I find a nice recipe, I am missing a vital ingredient. And I'm not very good at cooking without a recipe.
I am wearing... several layers. It's been cold here again, and despite the heating being on, the corner where the pc lives, is the coldest of the house. Combine it with sitting still all day and you get cold to the bone.
I am creating... a little baby hat. One I've made several times before but it is fun to knit and looks so cute on a slightly older baby.
I am going... to the library this afternoon. Long overdue. Our fantastic library has moved for a year or so while the building is being refurbished. We now have a much smaller selection, but oddly enough, the kids seem to prefer it at the new location.
I am reading... still The egg and I. I heard it serialised on Radio 4 a while back and much preferred the radio version. The book is entertaining but not so much that I can't put it down. Also the new WeightWatchers magazine. Always good for new recipes and some motivation.
I am hoping.... that the overnight ferry to Holland this week is going to be the last one I need to take for a little while.
I am hearing... snippets of the Afternoon Play on Radio 4. The radio is on pretty much all day and usually it's just background. Sometimes you catch a very good play and you have to stop whatever it is you're doing. I've been known to have to turn the radio off as I couldn't concentrate on work any longer.
Around the house... the dust bunnies have been replaced by all the Playmobil the children could find. Not sure why the Playmobil suddenly had to come out again, but they've been having lots of fun with it and I've let them get on with it, not insisting that they tidy it up again at the end of the day.
One of my favourite things... is chatting in real life about knitting with someone who enjoys knitting too. Their eyes don't glaze over.
A few plans for the rest of the week... I must ring the joiner for a quote for my bathroom window which was broken during the burglary. Trying to get a bit of exercise in before I go to Holland as I don't know how long I'll be away for and exercise often doesn't happen when I'm there. Making sure I get enough sleep.
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

hopefully the end of winter
Instructions for the Simple Woman's Daybook can be found here.
I hope spring comes for you soon! I know how long winter can be and I so love the Springtime. I always look forward to seeing the first spot of green or the buds on the trees. Travel safe and have a blessed week! Thank you for sharing your daybook:)